Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To My Parents

We will never forget

the stories of your youth
of the fierceness of young love 
beating all odds
conquering the impossible

We will never forget  

the happiness of our childhood
of sacrifices made and covenants kept
living by example
loving with grace 

We will never forget

the homes you provided
of the beauty you surrounded us in 
working tirelessly
creating dreams 

We will never forget

the grace of your presence
of the devotion to family 
abiding faithfully
teaching gently

We will never forget

the excitement of holidays spent 
of "Ho-Ho-Ho's" and treasures hidden
instigating silliness
immersing hearts in joy

We will never forget

the hours spent at Grandpa and Grandma's house
of the world you created
providing refuge
filling souls 

We will never forget

the summers in Zumbrota
of zip-lines, water slides, potato canons, pumpkin carving, pie eating contests
unending days
dream filled nights

We will never forget

the way in which you never grow old
of practical jokes, target practice and duck faces
teaching lessons
making life fun

We will never forget

The standards by which you live your life
nor the countless examples of 
compassion that fill 
your days

We will never forget

When we were lost
you found us
When we were hungry
you fed us
When we were destitute
you filled our pockets
When we were hopeless
you had faith
When we succeeded
you celebrated us

These things we carry with us
are the blessings 
of your

In your difficult days
when life and body
grow weary
all that is good seems 
but a distant memory

May you never forget
how very much 
are loved.

Forever and always,
Your family.


annaburesh said...

This made me cry. Very nice, mom.

Aleela said...

Thanks, Mom. This is SO TRUE... We love you so VERY VERY MUCH Grandpa and Grandma. Thoughts and blessings to you every day. x0x0, Aleela and Keith

Christine said...

Beautiful tribute to your family...thank you for sharing!

Nicole Lyons said...

There are no words that can be said that can express the gratitude, love and respect we have for these two people. We can never forget because these experiences and their love have molded us into who we are today and have forged a legacy of love, compassion and respect that will continue on for generations to come. For that and for everything we thank you!

Love you both more that you will ever know!