Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sister, Beautiful Sister


Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
Have you ever returned to yesterday?
Have you ever bestowed silence to a harsh word already spoken?

Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
Have you ever caught tomorrow unexpected?
Have you breathed a single breath before it’s time?

Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
If not on the morrow
If not before time
Then when will we smile?
Then when will we sing?

Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me

Beautiful Sister,
The earth is whispering your name
Consider all that is
Behold, all that is you

Beautiful Sister,
Wait for nothing
Give this moment all that you are
Bless this space with the beauty of your softened breath
With the grace of your smile
With the compassion of your heart

Know beyond knowing
That the best care of tomorrow
Is found in the gentle hands of today

Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
This, and only this moment is yours
Can you see it?
Do you feel it?
Will you waken to it?

Beautiful Sister,
It is in this being that the reflection is true
It is in this being that judgment and expectation fall clear
And the soul finds light
And happiness finds voice
In the peaceful stillness of your heart

Beautiful Sister,
Tell me
Tell me
Tell me

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